Delay...stupid hurricane.
Hey there everyone! Just an update post Irma. Power wasn’t lost for all that long (oh thank god!). However, internet has not been repaired as of yet. This may take a little while.
That being said, hello from my local McDonalds!
Some updates about the writings!
I’ve just submitted some short stories to a few different magazines, no word yet on acceptance or rejection on any of the work yet. Still too early to tell.
Yesterday, 9-18-2017, I wrote about 2k words in three hours, finishing up a new short story. Let me tell you…wow…It’s without a doubt my favorite piece of fiction I’ve written to date. I can’t wait to send it out into the world for everyone to see it! It’s in the hands of just a few more beta readers, and will be sent off to a few literary mag’s to see what happens.
Book two in the Becoming series has finished first editing rounds, and has also been sent out for Beta readers.
If you are interested in being one of these Beta Readers, please send me a message Via email, Twitter, or Facebook.
With the completion of the Becoming instalment, work will resume on one of my oldest projects, InSanity: Tim E. Less.
Some background on the book:
It’s a story about remembering and wanting to forget. It touches deeply on some very personal demons of my own, and if I’m to be honest, has been a little hard at times to work on, due to the content. It’s something I need to finish, not just for the sake of publication, but for what the piece means to myself.
Now I know I’m bias, and that I think the story is great, but there are some unique takes on what it means to have repressed and resurging memories. It talks about reality, both perceived and imaginative, about the split personality every person lives with even when they don’t realize it.
So, in summary, an intense psychological thriller with elements of horror, and a lot of the supernatural.
It’s the story of Tim Edwin Less, who’s been a very, down on his luck absentee father and husband. With the sudden loss of his family, Tim awakens in Still Waters Sanitarium and must come to grips with darker parts of his mind he’s locked away behind, whether he’s ready or not. It’s “The Butterfly Effect, meets “The Cell.” This, is InSanity: Tim E. Less.
Weekly Word Count : +2k